Sewall and Wolcott (Tomb r)


Captain Henry Sewall,
bapt. March 20, 1720. (Son of Samuel and Rebecca.)
mar. Aug. 18, 1743, Ann, dau. of Samuel and Ann White.
d. May 29, 1771, aged 52 yrs.
Rebecca Sewall,
b. Oct. 19, 1747, dau. of Henry and Ann.
d. Nov. 29, 1747, aged I mo. 10 days.
F. P. C. R.
Henry Sewall,
bapt. Jan. 22, 1749.
d. Oct. ye 17, 1772, aged 24 yrs.
Hull Sewall,
b. April 9, 1744.
d. Nov. ye 27, 1767, aged 24 yrs.
F. P.C. R.
Samuel Sewall,
b. Dec. 31, 1745, son of Henry,
d. May -, 1811, in England.
Venus, servant of Capt. Henry Sewall.
d. July 9, 1763, aged 28 yrs.
Kate, a negro servant of Capt. Henry Sewall.
d. Aug. 13, 1764, aged 8 yrs.
Felix, servant of Capt. Henry Sewall.
d. Nov. 23, 1765.
d. March 8, 1767, aged 50 yrs.
Charles, servant of Capt. Henry Sewall,
d. April 22, 1771, aged 28 yrs.
F. P.C. R.
Samuel Sewall, Jr.,
d. Feb. 27, 1751, aged 72 yrs.
Rebecca Sewall, wife of Samuel,
d. - 1755, aged 78 yrs.
Samuel Sewall,
b. Nov. 18, 1707, son of Samuel and Rebecca (Dudley) Sewall,
d. Dec. 18, 1708.
Rebecca Sewall, dau. of Samuel and Rebecca,
d. Aug. 3, 1710, aged 6 yrs.
Mary Sewall, dau. of Samuel and Rebecca,
d. Aug. 24, 1712, aged 13 mos.
Hannah Sewall, dau. to Samuel and Rebecca,
d. Oct. 20, 1719.
John Sewall,
b. April 9, 1723, son of Samuel and Rebecca,
d. Aug. 15, 1724.
Edward Bradstreet Sewall,
b. -.
d. Sept. 12, 1827, aged 26 yrs.
Columbia Centinel, Sept. 15, 1827.
Frances Robie Sewall, dau. of Joseph Sewall,
d. at Brookline, July 10, 1830.
Columbia Centinel of same date.
Dr. Daniel Gilbert, Supt. of Mass. Gen. Hospital,
d. - at Boston. His wife:
Ann Sewall Ridgeway Gilbert, dau. of Philip R. and Ann Ridgeway,
d. at Dorchester about 1889.
Both buried in Sewall-Wolcott tomb.
Miss Ada A. Gilbert, Allston.
Edward Kitchin Wolcott,
b. at Oxford, Mass. April 30, 1764.
d. at Brookline, Sept. 11, 1815. His wife:
Hannah Wolcott,
b. Sept. 2, 1751, dau. of Capt. Henry Sewall.
d. at Brookline, Aug. -, 1832. Their chn.:
d. Sept. 15, 1776, aged 3 weeks.
Ann Wolcott,
b. Dec. 4, 1778.
d. at Boston, Oct. 15, 1847. She mar. Dec. 6, 1801,
Philip Reynolds Ridgeway,
b. at Boston, Sept. 30, 1776.
d. May 20,1820.
Samuel Sewall Ridgeway, the eldest son of P. R. Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. - His wife:
Hannah (Brewer) Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. - Their chn.:
Henrietta B. Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. -.
Annie Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. -.
Edward Wolcott Ridgeway, son of P. R. Ridgeway,
b. --.
d. abt. 1890. His wife:
Eliza (Shepard) Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. -. Their dau.:
Lizzie Ridgeway,
b. -, 1837.
d. at Boston, Feb. 20, 1907 aged 64 yrs. 4 mos. 33 days.Mar.
Surgeon in the Civil War.
James E. Walker,
b. -.
d. abt. 1890. Their chn.:
Carrie Walker,
b. - at Brookline.
d. -. Unmar.
Jeannette Walker,
b. -.
d. at Brookline, May 17, 19M aged 31 yrs. 7 mos. 13 days. She married Arthur Reed.
Data from Mrs. Zenas Sears, Jr.
Ann Sewall Ridgeway, dau. of P. R. Ridgeway,
b. at Boston, Feb. 14, 1808.
d. Oct. 22, 1891. She mar. at Dorchester, Oct. 29, 1838.
Dr. Daniel Gilbert,
b. at North Brookfield, Mass. abt. 1795.
d. at Boston, Aug. 5, 1849.
Data from Miss Ada A. Gilbert, dau. of Dr. D. Gilbert, 439 Cambridge Street, Allston.
Anthony Brooks Ridgeway, son of P. R. Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. at Boston, abt. 1867. His widow:
Nancy Julia (Powell) Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. March, 1913. Their chn.:
George Philip Ridgeway,
b. April 1, 1851.
d. at West Newton, May 23, 1904 aged 48 yrs. 11 mos. 22 days.
Zela Julia Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. at Philadelphia, with her inf. dau. She mar. - Carlton.
John W. Ridgeway, son of P. R. Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. at Chelsea, abt. 1863. His wife:
Sarah A. Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. -. Their chn.:
Annie Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. -.
Belle Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. -.
Emma Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. -.
Henry Wolcott Ridgeway, son of P. R. Ridgeway,
b. -.
d. abt. 1860.
Edward Kitchin Wolcott, son of E. K. Wolcott,
b. -.
d. -.
Elizabeth Wolcott, dau. of E. K. Wolcott,
bapt. March 26, 1780.
d. -. She mar. February 7, 1809.
John Farnham Barber,
b. -.
d. -.
Hannah Sewall Wolcott, dau. of E. K. Wolcott,
bapt. April 17, 1785.
d. at Boston, between 1900 and 1913.
She mar. April 20, 1814.
John Folsom,
b. -.
d. -. Their son:
Samuel Sewall Wolcott Folsom,
b. -.
d. July -, 1879. Aged 64 yrs. His dau.:
Georgianna M. Folsom,
b. -.
d. July -, 1880. She mar. - Bosson.
Rebecca Wolcott, dau. of E. K. Wolcott,
bapt. Dec. 20, 1789.
d. April 28, 1828.
Samuel Wolcott, son of E. K. Wolcott,
bapt. Oct. 6, 1793.
d. -.
Seco, Mr. Wolcott's negro,
b. -.
d. July 21 1780, aged 55 yrs.
B. R. and F. P. C. R.
Text from Harriet Alma Cummings.
Burials and Inscriptions in the Walnut Street Cemetery.
Brookline: The Riverdale Press, 1920.