Cemetery Committee Report 1842
to Town Meeting

Brookline Town Records 1838-1857, pp 51-55. (Brookline Public Library: [Brookline Room] 974.45 B81)

Meeting, March 7, 1842.

The Cemetary Committee made the following Report which was accepted by vote:


The Cemetary Committee of the Town of Brookline respectfully Report, That in accordance with a vote of the Town in Feb., 1841, they have covered the front wall of the burial ground with a hammered Granite Caping of 18 inches in width, and six inches in thickness at the centre, sloping to 4 1/2 inches in thickness on both sides, making a substantial & durable covering to the wall.

Since making our last annual report, about half of the gravel bank has been excavated for an avenue, and a partition wall against the bank adjoining the land of Caleb Clark has been commenced and extended 35 ft. The remainder of this gravel bank will probably be all removed to repair the highways the ensuing year, and the avenue through it and around the whole grounds be completed, provided your committee should succeed in selling a few more burial lots to defray the expence of completing the partition bank wall.

About one hundred additional ornamental trees have been set the past year, of which about 30 were killed by the extremely dry season, & which your committee intend to replace the ensuing spring and also to continue the row of elms out side the front wall. Sales of two more burial lots have been made the past season, making a total of 8 lots sold, and the two high banks in front of the grounds have been covered with loam.

At the time your committee presented their last annual report, their Treasurer's accounts were not made up, by reason of the unfinished state, of several contracts. An abstract will therefore be now presented embracing the whole receipts & expenditures from the begining to this date. Omitting the proceeds of the Town's land sold by your committee & the amount paid for the burial ground lot, which were particularly described in our report of last year & which amounts balanced each other. Our Treasurer's receipts are as follows:

Recd. from Town Treasurer in 1840$407 35
Recd. for sale of 7 burial lots249 50
For sale of remnants of lumber & Old fence15 25
For trees set on private lots7 00
From Town Treasurer in 1841250 00
Total amt. of receipts$929 10

The disbursments are as follows:

Pd. Bill of carpenter work$36 25
Pd. Millet's bill painting24 88
Pd. D. Whitney's bill Labour15 32
Pd. Sawing & plaining to Pt. Floor'g Estabt.31 10
Pd. Russell's bill for building wall93 27
Pd. S. Snow's bill painting3 00
Pd. J. Huff's bill labour101 83
Pd. Perrie's bill seder posts6 50
Pd. S. Philbrick's bill paints, repairing gates41 33
Pd. Woodward's bill surveying4 00
Pd. D. Whitney's bill labour42 75
Pd. S. S. C. Jones' bill nails &c7 62
Pd. bill lumber & posts$84 49
Pd. Kenrick's bill trees69 67
Pd. bill stone caping203 75
Pd. bill laying stone18 20
Pd. J. Huff's bill labour28 26
Pd. D. Whitney's do. do.29 41
Pd. bills Lead, Iron work &c.11 02
Pd. D. Whitnes's bill in part, balance pd. by Town16 00
Pd. bill of labour to D. Mahoney23 00
Total amt. of disbursements$891 15
Leaving a bal. in Tress. of 37 95
$929 10

From the returns made to your committee by the sexton it appears that eighteen interments have been made in our burial ground during the year 1841. And three adults & one infant inhabitants of Brookline have been conveyed out of the Town for interment--as follows--viz.:

Time of Decease.Time of interment.Names.Age.Disease.Place of Residence.How Interred.
1841. Jan. 2.Jan. 4.Mary Jackson.78 yrs.Lung fever.Newton.Entombed.
" 25.Jan. 28.Eliza Goddard.34 "Inflamation of bowels.Brookline.do.
" 29." 31.Jabez Hunting.74 "Old Age.Boston.Buried.
" 31.Feb. 2.Rebecca Jones.3 ys. 11 mos.Congestion of Lungs.Brookline.Entombed.
April 28.April 31.Elizabeth T. A. Perry.32 yrs.Consumption.do.do.
May 6.May 8.Luther Thayer.71 "Spasmodic Rheumatism.do.Entombed in Boston.
" 8." 11.Eliza Tappan.18 "Consumption.New York.Entombed.
" 25." 27.Mary Scullon.57 "Old Age.Brookline.Entombed in Boston.
" 27." 30.Susan Davenport.79 "do. do.Roxbury.Entombed.
July 14.July 16.William Ackers.76 "do. do.Brookline.do.
" 15." 16.George Murdock.42 "Delirium Tremens.do.do.
Augt. 3.Augt. 6.Chas. E. Hanlahan.2 mos.Diarrhoea.do.Buried.
" 22." 23.Geo. F. Barnard.10 1/2 "do.Roxbury.do.
Sept.22.Sept.23.Susan S. Jones.18 "Hooping Cough.Brookline.Entombed.
Oct. 2.Oct. 4.Martha A. Snow.14 "do. do.do.do.
" 11." 13.Arthur 0. McLellan.15 "do. do.do.Buried.
" 19." 21.Geo. W. Dustin.9 "do. do.do.do.
Nov. 4.Nov. 5.Arba Hyde.57 yrs.Consumption.do.do.
Dec. 10.Dec. 11.Abigail Centre.75 "Accident.Boston.do.
" 3.Jan. 4, '42.Thos. N. Murdock.7 "Scarlet Fever.Stow.Entombed.
" 16.Dec. 18.Anne Searle.36 "Mortification.Brookline.Entomed at Mt. Auburn.

BROOKLINE, March 1, 1842.
Signed in behalf of the com.,
S. PHILBRICK, Chairman.

A discussion arose respecting the powers of the Cemetary Committee.

Voted, That the subject be indefinitely postponed.

Voted, That this meeting be adjourned one fortnight from this day at two O'clock P. M.

Attest: OTIS WITHINGTON, Town Clerk.